Eat Spirulina Every Day to See These 7 Things Happen to Your Body

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that has been consumed for centuries due to its incredibly dense nutrition profile. This freshwater microalgae contains a potent combination of protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Adding just 1-2 tablespoons of spirulina powder or tablets to your diet daily can have powerful benefits on your health. Read on to learn about 7 amazing things that can happen when you eat spirulina every day.

1. Boosted Energy and Endurance
Spirulina provides an easily absorbed source of nutrients that enhance energy levels and athletic performance. Its protein content aids muscle recovery while iron increases red blood cell production for more oxygen to working muscles. The wide array of B-vitamins, especially B12 further support energy metabolism. Take spirulina 30-60 minutes before workouts for increased endurance.

2. Improved Heart Health
Studies indicate spirulina can help lower LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure while raising HDL cholesterol due to its gamma-linolenic acid content. Phycocyanin also lowers hypertension. Spirulina’s anti-inflammatory effects are heart protective as well. Just 1 gram daily significantly improves key markers for cardiovascular risk.

3. Enhanced Brain Function
The deep green hue indicates spirulina contains brain-boosting phytonutrients. Research suggests it improves focus, memory and mood by increasing BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), a key protein. L-tryptophan also gets converted to serotonin to uplift mood. Take spirulina supplements or tablets for mental clarity.

4. Accelerated Weight Loss
Adding spirulina to your diet may accelerate fat burning and weight loss, especially around the midsection. Animal studies found those taking spirulina had lower body weight and fat mass gain through suppressed lipid accumulation and fat absorption. The protein is highly satiating as well, making it a great weight loss aid.

5. Blood Sugar Regulation
Phycocyanin in spirulina appears to have anti-diabetic effects by inhibiting alpha-glucosidase, the enzyme responsible for digesting carbs into sugar. This helps regulate healthy blood sugar levels, especially lowering post-meal glucose spikes. Human studies confirm regular spirulina intake improves glycemic control.

6. Potent Antioxidant Protection
Spirulina contains phycocyanin, chlorophyll and beta carotene – antioxidant compounds that help protect cells against free radical damage. These antioxidants also have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immunostimulating effects. Just 1 gram daily significantly elevates antioxidant status for whole body protection.

7. Gut and Liver Health Support
Spirulina seems to benefit the gastrointestinal system thanks to its prebiotic content that feeds probiotics and anti-inflammatory effects. Animal studies found it protects the stomach lining and reduces inflammation in colitis. It may also help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol in the liver based on current research.

Tips for Incorporating Spirulina
– Add 1-2 tablespoons spirulina powder into smoothies, juices or protein shakes
– Make spirulina cubes by mixing powder with water and freezing in ice trays
– Stir powder into yogurt, oatmeal, nut butters, hummus or sauces
– Form into protein balls by mixing with nut butter and dates
– Take spirulina tablets or capsules with meals if you dislike the taste

Consuming just a small dose of potent spirulina daily packs a nutritional punch and provides remarkable whole body health protection. This blue-green algae is dense in protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that boost energy, heart health, brain function, weight loss and immunity. Add spirulina to your diet and experience the superfood power for yourself.