What Will Happen If You Start Eating Oats Every Day

Oats are one of the healthiest whole grains you can eat. Sometimes called the perfect breakfast, oats provide a powerhouse of nutrients when enjoyed daily. They have impressive health benefits ranging from better heart health to improved digestion. Oats are inexpensive, versatile and easy to incorporate into meals or snacks too. Read on to find out what can happen when you start eating oatmeal or oats every day.

Lower Cholesterol

One of the biggest benefits of eating oats is reduced cholesterol levels. Oats contain a soluble fiber called beta-glucan that forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract. This fiber binds to bile acids made from cholesterol and carries them out of the body. Oat consumption has been proven to lower total and LDL “bad” cholesterol while maintaining HDL “good” cholesterol. Just 3 grams of oats daily can drop cholesterol significantly in as little as 4 weeks.

Weight Loss

The fiber in oats helps increase satiety and control appetite to promote weight loss. Soluble fiber slows down digestion while insoluble fiber adds bulk, allowing you to feel full longer after eating oats. The beta-glucan fiber increases the production of peptides YY and GLP-1 which suppress appetite as well. Furthermore, oats have a low glycemic index which prevents energy crashes and bingeing. Eating oats regularly supports healthy, gradual weight loss.

Regulated Blood Sugar

The beta-glucan fiber in oats also slows down carbohydrate digestion and reduces blood sugar fluctuations. Oats have a low glycemic index, meaning they minimally impact blood glucose and insulin levels. Eating oatmeal or oat-based foods regularly can reduce insulin resistance and lower diabetes risk. Oats are especially beneficial for controlling blood sugar swings if you have diabetes.

Lower Blood Pressure

Due to their stellar nutrient and fiber content, oats can reduce high blood pressure with regular consumption. Soluble fiber helps lower blood pressure by binding to bile acids and eliminating them from the body. Oats also contain magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and antioxidants that relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Adding oats to your diet can lower your risk of hypertension.

Increased Satiety

The combination of protein, fat and fiber found in oats helps satisfy hunger for hours after eating. Protein and fiber are digested slower, resulting in prolonged feelings of fullness and smaller portions at mealtime. The beta-glucan fiber increases appetite-suppressing hormones too. Starting your day with oatmeal is a great way to stay satisfied until lunchtime.

Healthy Digestion

The 6 grams of insoluble and soluble fiber in just 1⁄2 cup of oats feeds good gut bacteria and keeps your digestive system regular. The fiber acts as a prebiotic that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria like bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The beta-glucan and other compounds in oats also reduce excess cholesterol in the bile which optimizes fat digestion.

Improved Immunity

Oats contain immune-boosting compounds like avenanthramides that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-itch effects in the body. Oats help regulate inflammatory cytokines and increase killer T-cells to fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Eating oats regularly may help prevent or reduce the severity of colds, flu and other illnesses.

Reduced Cancer Risk

The fiber in oats supports healthy digestion to protect against colorectal cancer development. Oats also contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and decrease chronic inflammation, both of which are linked to cancer. Research indicates eating oats daily results in higher antioxidant capacity in the blood to reduce cellular damage from oxidative stress.

Increased Energy

Thanks to their complex carbs, fiber and nutrients, oats provide slow-burning energy that lasts for hours. The B vitamins thiamine and folate in oats help your body convert food into usable energy as well. Unlike sugary cereals, oatmeal avoids energy crashes from spiking and dropping blood sugar. Eating oatmeal or oat bars offers a natural boost for workouts or busy days.

Healthy Skin

Oats provide key minerals like zinc, phosphorus and selenium which maintain skin health and repair damage. Oats are also high in antioxidants that combat inflammation and oxidative stress associated with rashes, premature aging and skin cancer development. You can apply ground oats directly as a soothing facial mask too. Eating oats daily promotes clear, glowing skin.

Stress Relief

Beta-glucan fiber found in oats may help alleviate anxiety and emotional exhaustion. The fiber acts as a prebiotic for probiotics strains that improve mental health according to research. An animal study also showed oat beta-glucan decreased the stress hormone cortisol. The B vitamins in oats also balance mood. Eating oatmeal regularly can provide natural stress relief.


Making oats part of your daily breakfast or snack routine clearly provides tremendous benefits ranging from cholesterol reduction to improved digestion, immunity and vitality. The fiber, nutrients and antioxidants in oats make it a true superfood that delivers proven health perks. An inexpensive grain that’s easy to find and prepare, there’s no reason not to enjoy oatmeal, granola or oat-based snacks every day as part of a balanced diet. Incorporating oats into your regular diet is a smart way to enhance overall wellbeing.