If You Eat 3 Kiwi Fruits Every Day, This Could Happen to Your Body

Regulated Blood Pressure    The potassium in kiwifruit helps regulate electrolyte balance which influences blood pressure control. Kiwi also contain bioactive peptides that inhibit the angiotensin I-converting enzyme, lowering high blood pressure. One study found that consuming 3 kiwis a day for 8 weeks decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure naturally. The magnesium in kiwi relaxes blood vessels as well.

Healthier Vision

The phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin found in kiwifruit build up in eye tissues, blocking out damaging blue light. Kiwi also contain vitamin A and C which improve night vision and prevent macular degeneration. The copper in kiwi supports retina health and nerve signaling. Enjoying 3 kiwis every day helps prevent vision deterioration and optimizes eye health.

Improved Iron Absorption

Eating foods high in vitamin C like kiwifruit enhances non-heme iron absorption from plant sources. This is especially great for vegetarians. Since the vitamin C boosts bioavailability of iron, consuming 3 kiwis daily could reduce risk of iron-deficiency anemia. The vitamin K in kiwis also improves iron utilization for healthy red blood cell formation.