If You Eat 3 Kiwi Fruits Every Day, This Could Happen to Your Body

Kiwifruit are a vastly underrated superfood that are jam-packed with nutrients and health benefits. Just one medium kiwi offers a whopping 117% of your daily vitamin C needs along with lots of vitamin K, fiber, potassium, vitamin E and antioxidants. The fuzzy brown fruit native to New Zealand has been linked to improved heart health, digestion, immunity and more. Eating three kiwis every day provides an extra boost thanks to the power of these vital nutrients in larger daily doses. Read on to find out the myriad effects eating three kiwis a day can have on your overall health and wellbeing.

Improved Sleep

Kiwifruit are one of the highest natural sources of serotonin which is a brain chemical that regulates sleep. Consuming more kiwi lets your body produce more serotonin for improved sleep onset and duration. Kiwi also contain antioxidant flavonoids that calm the nervous system to enhance sleep quality. Studies confirm eating 2-3 kiwis before bed significantly improves sleep efficiency, total sleep time and wake after sleep onset.